Pneumatic tooling, spray- and painting guns, sandblasting, blow and inflation. Liquid and vapour form, where electrical conductivity is required from machines compliant with ATEX standards.
Universal and abrasion-proof suction and transport hose, especially suitable:
• for high flow-rates of extremely abrasive solids such as sand, gravel, grain, refuse glass and chips
Antistatic suction and transport hose, especially suitable:
• for transporting inflammable bulk materials and in areas liable to contain explosive mixtures (explosion predection)
Suction and transport hose for the pharmaceutical and the food industry( pills and other granules, pharmaceutical solutions, food flours, drinks, wine, vinegar and spirits with max 20% alcohol content)
Suction and delivery of powders and high abrasive granules. Ideal solution to convey pharmaceutical and cosmetic powders, pills, tablets of medicines; for food flours and grains, sugar, salt, dry fruit.